Year 5 Hawks & Kestrels
Our fabulous team
Mrs Sawyers Hawks class teacher | Miss Ayim Kestrels class teacher |
Coming soon! | |
Mr Saunders Additional class teacher | Miss May Teaching Assistant |
Mr Charles Teaching Assistant |
A Force to be Reckoned With
Can you feel the force?
Year 5's first context for learning journey will be
'A Force to be Reckoned With'
In this context we will learning all about;
- forces and mechanisms in science
- rivers in geography
- Ancient Egypt in history
- rivers in geography
- rivers in geography
- water colour and pastels in art
- designing and making bridges in design technology
- understanding finances in PSHE
- Islam in RE
Take a look at the document below for additional information about what else we will be learning about this half term
Upcoming trips
Beddington Park
Wednesday 4th September
Whitgift week
Kestrels - Monday 30th Sept, Tuesday 1st Oct, Wednesday 2nd Oct (AM)
Hawks - Wednesday 2nd Oct (PM), Thursday 3rd Oct, Friday 4th Oct
Thames Explorer
Thursday 10th October
Key dates
Friday 13th September 9am - Year 5 curriculum meeting in the hall
Tuesday 24th September 9am - Year 5 INSPIRE meeting in the hall
Wednesday 20th November 9am - Hawks class assembly
Parent Curriculum Meeting (September 2024)
Parent INSPIRE meeting (September 2024)
OLD Parent Curriculum Meeting PowerPoint (September 2023)
OLD INSPIRE Meeting - Reading September 2023
OLD INSPIRE workshop - How to support Times Table learning at home (Feb 2023)
Learning Journey Spring and Summer Term
Please come to school already dressed in your PE kit on the days you have PE.
Autumn term - Mondays & Fridays
General information
Classroom doors open at 8.35am
The classroom door will shut promptly at 8.50am - children arriving after this time should be escorted to the office and signed in please.
Children will be dismissed from the classroom at 3.15pm. Please be prompt in being on the playground to collect your child.
Full school uniform should be worn every day, except on PE days. Please ensure that children are wearing the correct shoes in line with our uniform policy.
Homework - Spellings
Homework - Times Tables
Every Friday the children will take home a list of spellings to learn for a spelling test on the following Thursday.
Homework books are due in on Thursdays.
Children are expected to read every day at home for 10 minutes every day. Please enter the date, and write a quick comment in the reading record book to show what has been read. This will be checked by the teacher every Friday.
TT Rockstars
You are expected to spend at least 20 minutes a week completing TT Rockstars. Use the same log in as last year.
Reading support for parents/carers
Attached are the Reading Domain Questions to support you when asking your child questions whilst listening to them read every day. This will also be sent home with your child next week.
Please scroll down the document to
KS2 reading domain questions
Websites that can be used daily
Below is a list of useful links for apps/programs that children can access at home. These can be used alongside any daily learning that is given to the children. All children have been given/posted a pack with all the log ins that they will need.