Aerodrome Primary Academy

Aspire, Persevere, Achieve

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Coronavirus Updates

Parental letter-guidance re COVID measures July 2021

Year 4 bubble closure 6th July 2021

Year 6 bubble closure 5th July 2021

March 2021 reopening risk assessment

March 8th Reopening letter

For more detailed information on remote learning including timetables,  how to access teams, support with logging in and safeguarding whilst remote learning please see the Remote Learning tab under the main Parents tab on the website. 

Feb half term letter 2021

Thank you to parents and carers

Letter re Remote learning attendance

Letter re SENSO on laptops

Update on Food Parcels for FSM lunches

FSM New food boxes weekly

Laptop Loan Letter

Letter regarding self isolation period for Year 6 and Hawks 14th Dec

Related pupil absence - A quick reference guide for parents

September opening arrangements

Year 6 - End of year letter

Staff changes for September 2020

Reopening Letter 28th May

21st May


Dear Parents/Carers
Due to a number of reasons the Reach2 Trust have now decided that their schools will not by opening for further year group until June 8th at the earliest. Please be assured that we will continue to keep you up to date with how the opening will work. We still intend on staggering entry dates for each year group as outlined in the letter that was sent to you yesterday. 
The INSET day on the 1st June has now moved to the 3rd June so will be closed to Key worker children on the 3rd but open the rest of the week. This may be subject to change. 
Kind Regards
Zoe Foulsham x​


20th May - Letter to parents regarding possible reopening

Dear Parents and Carers


As you will already have heard, there is a chance that schools may open up to some year groups (R, Y1 and Y6) from June 1st at the very earliest. I'm sure this is a very worrying thought for everyone, including parents, staff and children.


Headteachers and school staff received the news at the same time as everyone else so we now have to take some time to begin planning to ensure all our children, staff, parents and carers feel supported and confident that we can begin to open in the safest way possible. 


As soon as we have a safe and well thought out plan we will communicate this to you via this website and email. In the meantime, we will follow all Government guidelines and observe what happens to the relevant measures they are using to determine when schools should begin opening safely. 


Our Trust (Reach2) CEO, Sir Steve Lancashire,  has also sent a letter to all parents which is attached below.


Please continue to look after each other and stay safe. As always, please contact the school office if you are worried about anything. 


Kind Regards

Mrs Zoe Foulsham

Message from Reach 2 Trust to parents regarding possible school opening.

Welcome Back

Still image for this video

Coronavirus- A book for children

Welcome Back To The Summer Term


A huge welcome back to school for all of you. It seems so strange to start the summer term like this but everyone has made a big effort on class pages to make sure the children feel that it is a new start and that families feel supported. 


If you haven't already , please visit your child's class page today to see the exciting learning and videos your fantastic teachers have posted. A few have recorded welcome videos, stories and lessons for you to enjoy as well as setting up emails to start exchanging the learning you have been doing to enable them to give you feedback. Zoom calls are also being experimented with for the older children. 


EYFS children have already been sharing their amazing learning as they use a different program.  I have spent some time today looking at every photo and have been so impressed! 


Thank you parents for doing your very best with your children at such a difficult time. We know that many of you are working from home and are juggling work with home learning which is such a challenge, especially with primary aged children. You can only do your best and hopefully you will see that your children are independent little people who, with a bit of encouragement, can give things a good go themselves, even if it isn't the outcome you expected! The most important thing at the moment is not to worry if your child hasn't completed everything or even much at all. Your best is good enough! x


Please use the email addresses that have been provided to keep in touch with your teachers xx


I also hope that most of you will have received your vouchers if you are entitled to free school meals, Please see the message below this so you know the email you are looking out for x


I wish you lots of love. I miss being with everyone so much !

Zoe Foulsham 

Free School Meal Voucher Update - 8th April 2020

Dear All 


I do hope everyone is keeping safe x 


We have finally received the email from the DFE today and have begun processing the free school meal voucher information which is due to start asap. I hope that this will all run smoothly and that you will get the vouchers as expected. I will keep you posted with how the process will work once we have more information. Please keep an eye on your emails in the next week or so for an email from Edenred. If you don't have access to email please let the office know asap either by using the office email  which is or by phoning the office which is staffed every morning. Please leave a message and it will be picked up and responded to. 


Thank you and take care. 

Kind Regards

Zoe Foulsham 

Important Information - Free School Meals Vouchers

27th March 2020 

Good morning everyone x 

I hope you are all staying well. I know many of you have been logging on to our website and making good use of the learning posted on the class pages by your teachers. If you haven't yet been on to the class page please do so as there are great ideas to keep brains ticking and teachers are posting messages for their children. We are sorry that this is not a two way system allowing teachers to respond to work but if you have any problems please email or ring the office and we can forward emails to teachers. 


Free school meal update: we have had very limited uptake for FSM packed lunches but if you would still like one then please ring the office and we will prepare it for you to collect just before 12.00am each day. Going forward, there is a Government  voucher system being put into place . We will keep you posted. 


Take care everyone xx

Zoe Foulsham 

20th March 2020

Dear Parents

We will be posting fortnightly updates on this page regarding any changes to our existing arrangements. Thank you all for your kind words and patience during this challenging time. Our school office will be open every day so if you need information or support please just call us. 

Stay Safe x

Zoe Foulsham xx


Letter to all - 23rd March

School boy School girl