Aerodrome Primary Academy

Aspire, Persevere, Achieve

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Year 2 Parrots and Woodpeckers


Woodpeckers and Parrots



Miss Hunt

KS1 Phase leader

Woodpeckers class teacher

Miss Finnerty

Parrots class teacher

Ms Doci

TA Woodpecker class

Miss Quick

TA Parrot class



Key Dates coming up this term


Monday 3rd February- Trip to the mosque


Tuesday 4th March- Waterstones visit to spend book day voucher.


Friday 7th March- World book day dress up.


Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th March- Parents evening. Slots will open to book onto nearer the time. 


Tuesday 25th March London Zoo trip


Friday 4th April- Break up for Easter







General Information

Times of the school day

Classroom door opens at 8:40am

The door will be shut promptly at 8:50am. If the door is shut when you arrive, please take your child to the office and sign them in there :) 

The school day finishes at 3:20pm. Please be prompt in being on the playground ready to collect your child and find out about their day.


School Uniform Reminder

It is expected that on days where your child is not wearing their PE kit that they wear correct school uniform.


Each week the children will receive spellings and times tables appropriate to their level. These will be in the children's homework books each week.

Please see the Online Help sheet attached below this paragraph. 


SPELLINGS: Your children will be given spellings linked to their weekly phonics. These will be stuck onto the homework sheet every week. If you require an additional copy of these, please speak to your class teacher.

Spelling test is on a Thursday.


TIMESTABLES: Your children will be tested on their Timestables every Tuesday.


COLLINS BOOKS: Your child can log on online and read a book daily on the Collins website.


All of the above learning platforms require the internet or chrome. 


Our phonics scheme is Little Wandle. We will be learning and recapping our phase 5 sounds this term. Here are some of the phonics mats that we will be using in class. Support your child to practice their sounds and use them to help with their reading.






We welcome you to the Year 2 Information Page!



Throughout the Spring Term we will be looking at a new context called    'Opposites Attract'

Within this context we will learn all about polar and desert regions. We will look at the animals that live their and how they are adapted to suit their environments. In Science, we are learning about materials and their properties. We will then use our knowledge to better understand why certain materials are used for different objects. Our art learning will be focussed around harmonious and contrasting colours as well as learning about Mondrian and his style of painting. 


Year 2 PE days are a Wednesday and Friday.

Please send your child in, in their PE kit. 


A friendly reminder of what your child's PE kit should look like:



Additional learning at home

 You can always carry on your learning, even when at home!  Make sure you read for 10 minutes each day and then record it in your yellow reading record books to show your teachers!

Maths is also all around you!  Can you count the steps in your house?  Add together door numbers?  Measure and weigh food/items when cooking?

Always practise your 2,5, and 10 times tables too!

Starter, rainbow and rocket words.

School boy School girl