Our Governing Body
Our Governing Body
Governing Body
Aerodrome Primary Academy has an active governing body which provides strategic governance to ensure that all children in our community get the best possible education. The governing body meets as a whole group each term and delegates it’s business to a range of committees, where appropriate. The governing body has an important part to play in raising school standards through its three key roles:
• assisting with strategic direction
• ensuring accountability
• monitoring and evaluating school performance. We have responsibility together with the leadership team in the school to ensure that Aerodrome is safe, healthy and inclusive, and we provide support and challenge to the leadership team of the school on all issues that affect the learning and welfare of our pupils.
How does the Governing Body work ? The governing body works through collective decision-making and shared power, not personal power and responsibility. It is the full governing body which has legal duties and powers and all governors share in that responsibility together. Governors do not represent the individual interests of parents, staff or any particular group within the school or wider community, and the day-to-day management of the school to remains the responsibility of the Headteacher. The full governing body meets once a term but most of our work is delegated to two committees, which are the Resources Committee, and the Learning & Progress Committee.
Meet the Team
Fr David Adamson-Hill, Chair of Governors
My name is Fr David, and I’ve been a governor at Aerodrome since 2021 and I became chair of the governing body in 2023. I am a Church of England priest, and I look after St George’s Church, which is on the Waddon Estate. I’m very interested in making sure that Aerodrome Academy serves the needs of the people who live in Waddon and that our children get the best education possible. I’m very proud to be a governor at Aerodrome and I enjoy my time in the school particularly, working with Zoe and her staff, as well as the pupils.
Aneela Choudhry, Parent Governor and English Link Governor
My name is Aneela Choudhry and I have been a parent governor at Aerodrome Primary Academy since 2022. I currently have two daughters in the school (one in Year 5 and one in Reception) and my niece and nephew also attended the school. I am a qualified teacher and have previously taught at a busy sixth form college in East London, teaching the subject I love – Psychology.
I am very passionate about being the parent voice in the governing body, and I always ensure that any queries or concerns which parents may have, are raised in our governor meetings. I have visited the school regularly to read with children and enjoy the interaction with children and staff. I look forward to seeing Aerodrome go from strength to strength in the years to come.
DES OGG ,Trust Governor
I became a governor in January 2004 after my retirement from business. During my office as a governor, I have worked with several schools ranging from nursery through to secondary. My role over time has ranged from Chair of an academy trust, chair in local authority schools and a supporting governor in various capacities and of late with emphasis covering finance and compliance. At Aerodrome I am the link governor for finance operations.
I always had an interest in children's education and for a while I was a volunteer reader at a primary school. It was rewarding to witness children's learning progress and the dedication of teaching staff for pupils.
As a governor it is a privilege to support schools and at governing board meetings, challenge as appropriate for the benefit of pupils, staff and the school within Reach 2 Trust.
Ingrid Facius - Trust Governor
I have been a Governor at the Aerodrome Academy since March 2018. I support Fr David as Vice-Chair and am the lead Safeguarding Governor. My background is in business psychology, coaching and training and I run my own business helping large organisations to make difficult change happen. As a parent of a 14 year old daughter, I have a keen interest in education and supporting Zoe and her team in giving the children at the Aerodrome the learning & confidence to be the very best version of themselves. I am a liveryman for the Worshipful Company of Curriers and thrilled that the Aerodrome choir comes into the City of London for tea and to sing at the carol concert each year.