Statutory Information
SEND information report July 2024
SEND Information Report July 2023
SEN Information Report 2022
Historic SEND Information Reports
Aerodrome SEND Policy
Pupil Learning Plans (PLP) for children with SEND
Some children will receive a PLP with personal targets for them to achieve.
With this in mind, the class teacher will set and review targets three times a year and share them with parents at parents evening.
Autumn Term
We allow for a handover between classes and for the teachers to get to know the children in their class. For Autumn term parents evening, the teachers will review the targets that were set in the Summer term and set new targets. These targets will last until the Spring term and will be reviewed in time for parents evening.
Spring Term
The Autumn targets will be reviewed by the teachers and new targets will be set. This happens after the February half term and the new and reviewed targets are shared with parents at parents evening.
Summer Term
The Spring targets will be reviewed by the teachers and new targets will be set. This happens after the May half term and the new and reviewed targets are shared with parents at the report feedback parents evening or sent home. These targets are carried over until the Autumn term parents evening.
Accessibility - See Accessibility plan below:
In addition to the areas within this plan we also have the following in place:
- 3 disabled toilets on the ground level with space for wheelchair access
- Fully ramped school that allows access to all school areas from both the outside and inside.
Accessibility Action Plan 2021-24
Entry Criteria for the ELP
Our ELP is a specialist provision specifically for children with a diagnosis of Developmental Language Disorder. These are specially funded placements which are offered to identified children from across the borough. Entry is decided via a specialist admissions panel and, occasionally, EHCP consultations (if we are not full and the child meets the entry criteria). We are strictly limited to 20 places and children from our mainstream school do not access this provision or the speech therapy within it.
If you are interested in applying for a place at our ELP, you must discuss this with your current SENCo or SEN caseworker. Please note that the ELP is a provision for children with Developmental Language Disorder. Applicants must meet the Catalise criteria for DLD which is:
‘Developmental Language Disorder’ (DLD) for when the language disorder is NOT associated with a known biomedical condition such as:
brain injury,
acquired epileptic aphasia in childhood,
certain neurodegenerative conditions,
genetic conditions such as Down syndrome,
cerebral palsy
sensori-neural hearing loss.
autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
intellectual disability