Aerodrome Primary Academy

Aspire, Persevere, Achieve

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Year 3 Toucans and Hummingbirds

Welcome to Year Three!

(the best year, of course!)

The Year 3 teachers are: 

Miss Hewitt

Hummingbirds Class Teacher 

Mrs Jones

Toucans Class Teacher



















Year 3 Support Staff:


Mrs Sneddon












Mrs Dempster

Mr Charles 



If you need to contact one of the Year 3 class teachers, please talk to us at the beginning or end of the day or call the school office. 





Summer Term - Street Life 





What does it mean to be street?


We have an exciting term of learning planned for Year 3. We'll be starting with a trip around our local area. Lots of specialist learning will take place during this outing.  We will be looking at what Waddon looks like now, compared to what it looked like in the past.

In science, we will be classifying minibeasts, where this learning will result in looking at the habitats of different minibeasts. We will be having lots of outings this term, local walks and a street dancer teaching us some street dance. Visiting Borough Street Market will be a highlight which will bring together our learning on street food.  In Art, our focus will be to create a model of an insect.  A large DT project will result in creating a fact pop-up book about either a caterpillar, frog or swan. 



Each week the children will receive spellings and times tables appropriate to their level. These will be stuck into their homework books and sent home every Friday.

If you ever misplace or lose spellings, please let your class teacher know. 

Test days:

Thursday - Times table test

Thursday - Spelling test



Please don't forget your 10-15 minutes a day of reading and your 20 minutes (or more!) a week of TT Rockstars. This needs to be completed between the Friday and the Thursday of the following week.



The school day

The classroom doors will open at 8.35am and close at 8.45am. If the classroom door is shut when you arrive, please take your child to the office and sign them in there. 

The school day finishes at 3.15pm. Please be prompt in being on the playground ready to collect your child and to hear about all the wonderful learning they have done.



Parent meetings

We are delighted to be able to welcome parents and guardians in for a chat when needed . Where possible, please wait until the end of the day and after all children have been dismissed if you need to talk to the teachers.




School uniform reminder


Please ensure your child comes to school in correct uniform everyday. On PE and swimming days they can wear their PE kit to school but again, please ensure that they are wearing the correct school PE kit.






The expectation is that your child reads every night and an adult signs their reading record


Their reading record should then be brought in every day and their book changed regularly.












PE Day:

Toucans: Friday

Hummingbirds: Friday


Swimming Day is Friday for both classes





Reading support for parents/carers


Below are the Reading Domain Questions to support you when asking your child questions whilst listening to them read every day. 



KS2 reading domain questions

Year 3/4 Common Exception Words

High Frequency Word Lists

Useful Websites
School boy School girl